Fix GoDaddy 503 Service Unavailable Error [Guide! 2025}

Are you encountering a 503 error on your GoDaddy?503 godaddy error

It is caused by passing your limit (maybe bandwidth limit, CPU limit, etc.)

Or maybe because you added a script that overloaded your server.

In simple words,

Your server is overloaded and returns 503 to inform you about it.

Recently, you might have gotten a ton of traffic or run heavy processes in the background that needed more bandwidth or CPU power than the allotted amount of these resources.

So when resource usage went over the limit. GoDaddy detected and throttled.

First, it will slow down your whole website, then fully down and return a 503 error on the screen.

If a large number of actual humans have visited your site, that’s great. But be careful about the traffic because bots on the internet generate almost 50% of many bot traffic

So if you don’t see sufficient numbers in the traffic report, there might be a problem. It could be a DDoS attack.

The second reason is that heavy background processes can be reiterated by heavy plugins, themes, low-end server infrastructure, no proper caching system, outdated server software, rogue plugins, etc.

We have made up a complete list of reasons with solutions. You can find one and fix it.

By the way, Godaddy is infamous for not having enough resources. Their shared hosting plan starts with just 512 MB of RAM.

Therefore, while dynamic websites like WordPress sites start to grow, the fewest resources don’t sustain them, and most GoDaddy users face 503 and 500 error.

So upgrade it or move to modern cloud hosting.

How To Fix Godaddy 503 Error

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1.Fix Your Plugin Conflicts

In WordPress, plugins provide extra power, extra design, and extra scalability. Various developers created the plugins.

So the nature of coding will be different. It may not suit your current theme and start causing problems. Sometimes popular plugins occur.

The reasons are:

  • Incompatible code
  • Recent improper speed optimization
  • Using PHP 8.1

Solutions –

I.Incompatible Code: If some plugins are not compatible, then we have to find the culprits and replace them.

But if your website is not accessible to the browser, you can follow the steps below.

  • Connect FTP to your server or go to File Manager through GoDaddy cPanel.
  • Head to public_html> wp-content > pluginsPlugins Folder
  • Now rename the plugins folder to plugins.old
  • Refresh your site. WordPress won’t find the plugins folder. It will deactivate all your activated plugins.  Hope, your website is loading.
  • Now activate a single plugin and refresh the web page. Follow the process with the rest of the plugins.
  • When your site implies a 503 error, the last activated plugin is the culprit. Replace it.

II.Recent improper speed optimization: If you’ve done speed optimization recently, there’s a higher possibility that your speed expert or you might have done something wrong with the important plugins file.

  • You might have removed crucial codes from the files of plugins to fix unused CSS or JS errors.
  • You might have blocked or lazily loaded jQuery files. It will surely malfunction with your plugins.jquery plugin
Before removing any code from a plugin, you must understand if some codes are useless on some pages but useful on others. Removing the code impacts plugin functionality.

So it’s better to use the Perfmatters plugin to stop loading useless code files on specific pages and load them on other pages where they are needed.

Every plugin needs js to be workable. But most of the plugins are made of jQuery, and jQuery is a library of various website functions consisting of many JS code lines.

It makes it an easier job for developers. Just plug and play. But there is a big drawback: you can’t block them or even lazily load them; otherwise, it’ll stop and cause problems on your site.

So don’t touch the jQuery urls or replace the plugins with non-jQuery plugins.

III.PHP 8.1: PHP 8.1 is the latest version, and it can give the best performance, security, and stability.

But it’s not advisable to use it yet, as many plugins and themes are not ready for it. So change your PHP version to 7.4.

If the problem still persists, it’s time to move on to the next step.

2.Fix Your Theme Incompatibility

You have already ruled out your plugins as a cause of the 503 error. Now it’s time to check your theme.

It may be incompatible, or you may have blocked some important theme files during speed optimization or used a higher number of PHP versions.

Let’s solve it one by one –

Incompatible Issue: If you still can’t access your site, the process of deactivating the theme will be different from deactivating the plugins.

Otherwise, WordPress will show errors like “the theme directory “theme name” does not exist.” or “ERROR: The theme directory is either empty or doesn’t exist. Please check your installation.”the theme directory does not exist

  • Now access PHPMyadmin through cPanel.
  • Go to wp_options table.
  • Click on the search tab, which is on top.wp options template search
  • Head to option_name in the value box, enter the template, and hit go.
  • You’ll get information on the current activated theme.
  • Now change it. So in the option_value box, write the name of the WordPress default theme, like twenty-twenty.

Your current theme will change. Hopefully, the problem will be gone.

3.Increase PHP Memory Limit

By default, WordPress allocates 32MB as a memory limit at GoDaddy, which is too tiny for a normal blog.

The situation worsens when you start using heavy plugins like page builders, which require a 128 MB memory limit at least and 256 MB for best performance.

Due to low PHP memory, PHP processes don’t get executed, and the server goes down.

So we have to increase the limit. But before doing this, you should ensure sufficient RAM.

For 1 GB RAM, only 128 MB can be the memory limit.

If you increase it, a single PHP process can eat up the whole RAM and kill other PHP processes. The site will also go down.
1 GB RAM for a normal blog and 2GB RAM for a production website are essential.

Three Ways to Increase PHP Memory Limit

#1.Edit the wp-config.php file

  • click on public_html
  • download the wp-config.php file.wp config-php
  • open it in the notepad.
  • add the line before * That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’)

  • and save changes.
  • Now rename the already existing wp-config.php file in the file manager.
  • Upload the edited one.

#2.Edit the PHP.ini file

If you see a PHP.ini file in the root path, you can edit it and set memory_limit=256M

#3.Edit the .htaccess file

If you can’t find the php.ini file, go through the .htaccess file and add the line.

php_value memory_limit 256M

4.Clean Your Database

Recently on a client site, row numbers of f8_postmeta were over 9 million, and the size was about 1GB. Regularly, the server had to run the massive rows.millions row in sql table

It took a massive amount of time, consumed the whole 2GB RAM, and the PHP memory limit went to 356M. Frequently, the server didn’t respond.

I dug their SQL tables and stumbled upon f8_postmeta with enormous rows.

Meta key “-wp-smpro-smush-data” “-post_views_count” “-ekit_post_views_count” “_yoast_wpseo_content_score” “_jetpack_related_posts_cache” with huge rows, but “_kksr_fingerprint_default” was the main evil.

Every time a visitor provided a star review, the KK Star Rating plugin generated it.

Generally, f8_postmeta stores plugin data, image attachments, and payment data.

Now check your SQL table via PHPMyAdmin.

And remember, whenever you install any plugin, it creates rows in f8_postmeta that won’t get deleted, even after deleting the plugin.

So if it is vast, delete it.deleted row in postmeta

How to Delete Million Rows in SQL Table (PHPMYADMIN)

  • take a backup of your MySql table.
  • access the MySql table, search postmeta in containing the word box and choose tableprefix_postmeta, not wp-postmetasearch postmeta
  • find the meta keys with huge rows and note them down in the notepad.
  • click on SQL tab and run the command to delete the rowsDelete command in SQL

DELETE FROM f8_postmeta
WHERE meta_key = ‘_kksr_fingerprint_default’

Deleting rows can change the appearance of related elements and the plugin’s functionality. Watch out!.

You can also use the WP-Optimize plugin to clean up your database. You can delete uninstalled plugin data. WP optimize uninstalled plugin table

5.Control Heartbeat

It is a great WordPress feature that saves post drafts and shows plugin notifications regularly. So you won’t lose data.

But the API function runs a process regularly in the background, which consumes resources.

Generally, it beats per 15-20s. It is a significant number for a shared hosting plan. So it can invoke the problem, follow the steps.

How to Disable Heartbeat

  • access public_html
  • Go to wp-content>themes>current theme>functions.phpfunctions-php
  • paste the code in the bottom.

add_action( ‘init’, ‘stop_heartbeat’, 1 );
function stop_heartbeat() {

If the problem is fixed, you must optimize the function properly, as we can’t stop it for a long time.

How to optimize Heartbeat

We have to alleviate the number of frequent heartbeat API requests per minute. So its impact on the server will be negligible.

  • activate Perfmatters Plugin
  • scroll down to Disable Heartbeat in options
  • choose “Only Allow When Edition Posts/Pages” in Disable Heartbeat
  • set heartbeat frequency to 60 seconds.

Heartbeat PerfmattersAnd don’t forget to check the auto-schedule process and cron job.

These have also had significant impacts! And can be detrimental during peak traffic hours.

Try to use an auto-schedule for essentials only and do the less vital tasks manually.

6.Keep Your Website Copy Globally

Sometimes CDN causes 503 errors. It would help if you paused it to check what is going on.

If everything is okay, you can get help from the support team at CDN.

Or, if you are using Cloudflare, change SSL to flexible SSL and clear the cache.cloudflare flexible SSL

Although you don’t use it, you should get its power and make a copy of your website in 270 cities in 100+ countries.

It will drastically cut the load on the origin server, save 60–99% bandwidth, and mitigate thousands of online threats to protect the origin server & website.bandwidth saved

Just connect it and put it on. But if you want the best result, set up the two-page rules. page rules CloudflareDuring editing, designing, or publishing any post, switch off both rules to quickly reflect changes.

7.Put Your Server Free Load With Premium Cache Plugin

Your website speed can thump up to 200–300% by installing WP Rocket because the plugin applies more than 80% of web performance good practices automatically after just installing.

Even without touching any of its options, the loading time of your website decreases significantly. In correlation, it also cuts enormous loads on the origin server.

Its intelligent preloading bots and primed caching system convert a website into a static HTML website.

And the World knows how much faster is a static website than a dynamic one.

This is because pages on static websites are already built, and the server just needs to send them to the end user’s browser.

And the preloading bot detects and includes all changes to your WordPress website in static HTML files.

So change anything with a free mind and enjoy the speed of a truly static website by cutting humongous loads.

8.Optimize Plugin For Less Resource Usage

Now, many plugins come with various features. We rarely use all the features.

These run in the background, as these are often preactivated.

So disable the unused features.

But every plugin doesn’t allow you to deactivate their features. You can use the Perfmatters plugin to do it.

9.Remove Resource Hungry Plugins

Every beginner webmaster uses 50% heavy plugins that consume a lot of RAM and CPU.

As a result, the server suffers from high load, and the website goes slow or down.

Now find out the heavy one.

  • Install WP Hive extension to your chrome
  • Visit
  • Search your plugins
  • If you see a red cross on memory usage, replace it with a lightweight alternative.

wp hive insight

My Favorite Lightweight Plugins

10.Delete Deactivated Plugins

As beginners, we do a lot of experiments. We install many plugins and deactivate some of them after a while.

Forget to delete or want to use in the future. So we don’t delete these.

But it’s really a security threat as well as a resource consumers. By the time it doesn’t get updated, or can be vulnerable.

So don’t keep any deactivated plugins on your WordPress website.

11.Secure Login Page

If your login page is openly accessible, it may be exploited to hack your website. During the exploitation, server resources are used heavily.

Thus, hide your login page from the world. With Perfmatters, change it quickly.change login url

12.Say No WooCommerce on Shared Hosting

A wooCommerce needs at least 256 MB of php_memory_limit, then how can a 512 MB RAM shared hosting plan sustain itself?


Don’t use WooCommerce like heavier plugins. Upgrade, or go to cloud hosting.

13.Stop Bot Traffic

Almost 50% of web traffic is from bots.

You can check it in the Live Traffic Tab of the Wordfence plugin.
Live Traffic WordFence

Search its hostname on Google; people have already talked about it. It not only spoils resources but also poses threats.

You can block it with Cloudflare or Wordfence

14. Don’t Host Email & Website on Same Server For Longer Run

Email marketing is an integral part of any website’s strategy to grow its audience.

It increases by the time it occupies much space on the origin server and starts impacting performance more than earlier.

So it is not suitable for the long run in any aspect. Cloudways and Kinsta, like premium cloud hosting, know it well.

They offer separate hosting for the web and email. You should host them differently to avoid any conflict, alleviating performance and security threats.

15.Do A Full Speed Optimization

Full-speed optimization optimizes every process of the WordPress site to use the least resource.

It just makes the load light up on the server. That’s why an optimized server can perform faster on low resources. You can speed up your web property with the ultimate guide.

16.GoDaddy Sucks, Leave It For Modern Cloud Hosting

Regardless of all efforts, if the problem is still not fixed. It’s a significant indication that the problem is due to low server resources.

As I have advised you above, 1 GB of RAM for a standard blog and 2 GB RAM for a production website are needed.

But with GoDaddy’s entry-level shared hosting plan, you just get 512 MB of virtual RAM.

It’s too little.

And shared hosting is known to throttle their bandwidth and disk space. So that they can sell to as many customers as possible and earn a huge profit.

GoDaddy is one of them. Even though they are stagnant in adopting new technology, and have blocked many popular performance booster plugins like W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache.

So strange!

That’s why world-famous Forbes advises to avoid GoDaddy and iTheme calling them poor, overcrowded hosts and gold mines of upselling strategies.

Recently, GoDaddy faced massive attacks. 1.2 million managed WordPress hosting customer’s data was exposed. and the lazy giant couldn’t detect the big attack for 70 days.

Recent reports say the giant is facing security issues regularly. In May 2020, a data breach affected 28k customers. So unsafe.

Now, what do you expect from GoDaddy?

Choose cloud hosting and enjoy ultimate peace:)

No need to share your server resource with others
A unique cluster feature that shifts overload to the next available server—that’s how to save websites from going down.
You will get complete server resources mentioned in the plan
The latest technology for web hosting is the most potent, speedy, performant, and robust against hackers and spammers.
It’s not expensive; it’s cheaper than Godaddy’s higher-level shared hosting plan.
GoDaddy Pricing
GoDaddy’s Shared Hosting Pricing
cloudways plan
Cloudways Fix Pricing for Cloud Plan

So, do you think you need to be technical? No. You are just a few clicks away from hosting your first website on the cloud.

Cloudways simplifies cloud hosting for beginners.

You can host your blog on the world’s best three cloud infrastructures: Google Cloud, Amazon Web Service, and Digital Ocean, with a click, and enjoy the world’s best performance, security, and stability.

At Forbes-featured Cloudways, you will get an intuitive dashboard where you can easily manage your website and get information about RAM, disk, and bandwidth usage, as you have done in cPanel.Cloudways Dashboard

Since 2019, I have been using it and powering my website amazingly.

Problogguru PSI Report
Problogguru PSI Report
problogguru GTmetrix Report
Problogguru GTmetrix Report
Problogguru TTFB Report
Problogguru TTFB Report

Why Choose Cloudways

Servers are powered by powerful Intel Xeon Scalable Processors, have built-in AI acceleration, and can clock up to 3.90 GHz in turbo mode.
Get a unique IP that keeps you safe from spam neighbour websites & increases rankings.
The fastest & most stable server stack (intelligent combination of Nginx, Apache, Varnish, PHP-FPM, and Memcached), without any cache plugin, the server(TTFB) responds in just 14-16ms.Cloudways Server Stacks
Free automated backup keeps data of the last 15 days.
Expert-level pre-configured PHP-FPM makes 4x faster PHP processing than traditional FastCGI.
Total freedom to choose life-period of server-level cache to achieve the best performanceCloudways Varnish Cache Lifetime
World’s first host that provides a clean disk feature on the server level.
Free site transfer
Free SSL certificate
Unlimited domains on a server
6G firewall & bot protection to mitigate DDoS, brute force, XSS attacks and spam bots.Cloudways bot protection
Flexible & responsive support team for 24X7.
“Pay as you go” payment mode, pay per month, doesn’t need to fall into a more extended contract.
Pro blogger’s no-1 choice. Even Google’s John Mueller shows their affection.


How do I fix Error 503 on GoDaddy?
Fix plugin conflicts, increase PHP memory and resources, or move to a cloud host.

What is causing 503 error?
Low server resources, heavy plugins, page builders, etc.

Please share the post on your social media accounts if your problem is fixed. I will cherish it. If not, let me know in the comment box. I will be pleased to help you.

More Fixings:-

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