Installing WordPress on a cloud server is fun. In this post, we will guide you through installing the CMS on Linode with the same fun experience.
For this fun task, you need a Linode account. You can grab it with a free $100 credit for 60 days. Now let’s get started.
How To Install WordPress on Linode
We will divide the whole process into two parts. In the first part, we will install a cloud server, and in the second part, we will install WordPress.
Installing a cloud server
1.Login to Linode Cloud Manager.
2.Hit create Linode.
3.Click Marketplace, search CyberPanel, and select it.
4.Scroll down and setup CyberPanel
- Choose Ubuntu 22.04 LTS as an image
- Select closeset data center in region
5.Choose Linode plan; if you are just starting out, going with the $5 shared CPU plan would be good. By the way, Cyberpanel requires a minimum of 1 GB of RAM and 10 GB of disk space. The plan has more resources than the minimum need.
6.Name your server; adding tags is optional.
7.Set a strong root password
8.Hit Create Linode to install VPS and Cyberpanel. It will take a few moments. While it finishes, we will be ready to install WordPress.
How To Install WordPress
1.Launch Putty, enter your server IP, and hit the open button.
2.enter your root password and hit enter
3.If they’re asking for an update, enter yes and update it.
4.Now type “sudo cat .litespeed_password” command to know Cyberpanel password
5.Go to the incongnito tab of your browser and paste your server ip:8090.
6.Ignore SSL issue and proceed to Advanced.
7.Cyberpanel login page will display. Enter admin as your username and password in Putty.
Sign in now.
8.In the panel, go to Websites>create website
9.Don’t forget to point a new server IP in the DNS records of the domain on which you would like to install WordPress. Now enter website details-
- Package – Default
- Owner – admin
- Domain Name – domain name without www
- PHP – 8.0
- SSL – Check
- open_basedir Protection – check
Now click Create Website. First of all, SSL will install, then the website.
7.On the left sidebar, click the List Websites option under Websites.
8.You can see your installed website. Click Manage.
9.Quickly scroll to the bottom and click WP+LSCache
10.Set WordPress blog details and hit install now.
It will install WordPress with the LSCache plugin.
11.Now, you can visit your blog and access the admin area at
12.Your WordPress admin dashboard will look like this:.
1.What is Linode, and why should I use it for hosting WordPress?
Linode is a cloud hosting provider that offers scalable and reliable cloud infrastructure services. It’s a popular choice for hosting WordPress because it allows you to have full control over your server, excellent performance, and cost-effective pricing options.
2.What do I need before I start the WordPress installation on Linode?
Before you begin, you’ll need a Linode account, a domain name, and basic knowledge of server management and the Linux command line.
3.What operating system should I use for my Linode server?
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Long Term Support) is a commonly recommended choice for hosting WordPress on Linode due to its stability and support. However, you can choose other Linux distributions, like CentOS or Debian, if you’re more familiar with them.
4.Do I need to manually install WordPress, or are there one-click installations available on Linode?
There are Cyberpanel and 1-click Wordpress apps available. You can install it with a few clicks.
5. What’s the process for installing WordPress on Linode?
The process involves setting up a Linode server, securing it, and installing necessary software like a web server (e.g., Nginx or Apache), a database server (e.g., MySQL or MariaDB), and PHP. After that, you’ll download and configure WordPress. Detailed step-by-step instructions can be found in our blog post.
6. Can I use a different web server or database server than what you recommend in your guide?
Yes, you can choose different software components to build your WordPress stack. However, for simplicity and compatibility, we recommend following our guide, which typically uses OpenLiteSpeed as the web server and MySQL or MariaDB as the database server.
7. Is it necessary to set up SSL/TLS (HTTPS) for my WordPress site on Linode?
Yes, it’s highly recommended to set up SSL/TLS to secure your WordPress site. You can obtain a free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt, and we provide instructions on how to do this in our blog post.
8. What security measures should I take to protect my Linode server and WordPress installation?
To enhance security, you should regularly update your server software, use strong passwords, configure a firewall, and consider using a security plugin for WordPress.
9. Can I easily scale my WordPress site on Linode as it grows in traffic and content?
Yes, Linode offers scalable resources, allowing you to upgrade your server’s RAM, CPU, and storage as needed to accommodate increased traffic and content. You can resize your Linode without downtime.
10. What do I do if I encounter issues during the installation process?
If you encounter any issues, first check out our blog post for troubleshooting tips. If you’re still facing problems, you can reach out to Linode’s customer support or consult the Linode community forum for assistance.
Meet Ravi Kumar, our web hosting and WordPress speed optimization guru with over 4 years of experience. He’s optimized 150+ websites, uncovering common VPS performance issues. Armed with insights, Ravi ensures smooth VPS experiences for all.